There’s no doubt, it’s summer. For some that means swimming in the pool, running through sprinklers, maybe a water family game, or at bear minimum, running your head under some water to cool off. Water play coincides with summer, enough said. But what about water intake?
I think it’s fair to say that we can get so caught up in enjoying the warmth of summer and cooling off the outside of our bodies that we can forget to cool and replenish the inside of our bodies water family game. So here’s a summer challenge for you and your kids. Who can drink the most water?
This water game can be a fun way to get your special needs kids more conscientious about drinking water, water family game or at least to get your kids to participate in a game with you. Water family game here are some suggestions to be sure you and your family are getting enough water during the summer and to make this a fun game:
Agree on a ‘measuring cup’… select your favorite water vessel for each person. Be sure this is one that your special needs child likes to drink out of water family game. It they’re a straw kid, let it be a cup that has a straw.
Make it special. Some of our special needs children will not find this fun or special in any way (like many kids). BUT, water family game if you are able to purchase a “special cup” that they get to choose just for this game, that’s incentive. If you’re unable to purchase one, why not take a permanent marker and decorate one, stickers are good too.
Don’t make it about measurement necessarily so much as how many times can you get this refilled? If measurement (number of ounces) water family game is what motivates the family, then by all means, do that.
Keep a chart. Water family game simply grab a piece of paper and stick it on the fridge. Everyone gets a line with their name and every time a vessel is emptied and re-filled, they (or you) gets to draw a star (or smiley face or dot or whatever) next to their name water family game.
Decide the end. Is it a daily count? Weekly? What’s the reward? Winner for the day, paper crown, chooser of that night’s movie, water family game freedom from a chore, or the first person who gets to throw out water balloons in a water balloon fight… or even for every star that a person gets water family game, they get that many water balloons for a grand water balloon fight at the end of the day / week (personally, I would choose a weekly occurrence for this… you’All get many more water balloons and then the ‘battle’ will be epic)… all can be great incentives water family game.
This is a fun, easy and inexpensive water game to ensure that you and your special needs children are getting the water you need water family game not only for good health and body function, but also to stay cool during these hot months.
Tip: For children not inclined towards the taste of water, add a sugar free flavoring.
Caution: Though it’s unlikely, it’s important that while you’re working on increasing your water intake, you do not water family game over-intake water. Be sure to check with your medical professional about these limitations.
Intersystem Update: I am still holding steady and am working towards maintenance mode. Increasing my water intake is priority now that the weather has turned HOT!
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